Jason Alexander I Want Some Krispy Kreme Nazi Money ... Or At Least Some Donuts

Jason Alexander is looking at Krispy Kreme's connection with Nazis through a positive lens, or at least a hungry one ... he wants a cut of the reparations, but he'll settle for a box of donuts.

We got the actor in Larchmont, L.A. Wednesday afternoon and our photog asked him about the owners of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts donating $11 million to charity after discovering their Nazi family ancestors used slave labor in German factories during World War II.

Jason, the son of Jewish parents, jokes about wanting a taste of the money, or at least some delicious treats ... then gets a bit serious and tells us it's noble for the Reimann family to try and make amends and take accountability -- even though he doesn't blame them for their ancestors' actions.

Speaking of reparations, Jason has some thoughts on how our country should come to terms with its slave history. Check out the clip for a lighthearted take on some heavy topics.

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