TGI Fridays Sued Your Potato Skins Chips Are Lacking ... Potato Skins!!!

TGI Fridays is shady as hell for selling fake-ass potato skins chips -- at least according to one pissed off customer who's now officially seeking ... snack justice.

The chip lover in question, Solange Troncoso ... is suing Fridays, claiming the potato skins chips it hawks at grocery stores are deceptive because they don't actually have any potato skins. In docs obtained by TMZ, she says potatoes are peeled and turned into something called "potato flakes," but the skins are never put back into the final product.

Troncoso -- who is hoping to recruit more plaintiffs through a class action lawsuit -- says the labeling deceives consumers into thinking they're getting a healthy snack.

It's interesting ... Troncoso calls out 3 flavors -- cheddar and bacon, bacon ranch and sour cream and onion -- and says she was deceived into buying bags of the sour cream and onion back in June.

She's suing for a whopping $5 MILLION. We've reached out to TGI Friday's ... so far no word back.

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