Luke Bryan & Jake Owen First, We Catch Some Waves ... THEN We Hit the Stage!!!

Jake Owen and Luke Bryan are a little bit country and little bit surfer dude -- at least for this weekend -- while they're partying on la playa in Mexico.

The country superstars attempted to catch some waves -- on paddleboards, not surfboards -- in Tulum, near Luke's annual Crash My Playa festival is going down. Looks like Jake had a little more luck than Luke ... but only a little. Hey, they're Nashville bros ... no one's expecting them to hang ten.

Luke's wife, Caroline Boyer, and Jake's GF, Erica Hartlein, hung out on the beach while the guys tried their best to look epic on waves.

In the evening, they returned to their natural habitat ... rocking the stage for the 4-day festival. Luke tried a one-handed floss move while playing, "All My Friends Say."

Good times. Although, not as good as what went down during last year's festival when he got whacked by a fan's bra. A REALLY big bra. 'Memba that?

As Luke puts it ... strip it down!!!