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High School Basketball Star Maori Davenport Can Play ... Judge Rules

High school basketball superstar Maori Davenport will be ALLOWED to play in her game Friday night after a judge called off her suspension.

Davenport's story became national news when athletic officials in Alabama ruled her ineligible after learning she received an $857 check from Team USA basketball for playing in a tourney back in August. The check covered lost wages and expenses.

The check was sent to Davenport as the result of a clerical error -- she never sought out the payment.

Davenport initially cashed the check under the assumption it was a standard operating procedure for people playing for Team USA. When the organization realized the error, they asked for the money back and she returned it the next day.

Still, officials in Alabama believed cashing the check violated the rules -- and deemed her ineligible for her senior year.

It's a big deal considering 6'4" Davenport is one of the best players in the country -- and committed to attend Rutgers next year.

Huge stars like Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Billie Jean King and more spoke out in Davenport's defense -- calling the suspension ridiculous and insisting she did nothing wrong.

An emergency motion was filed in Pike County Circuit Court and on Friday the judge decided to repeal the suspension -- pending the outcome of a hearing on the matter.

Translation, Davenport can play with her high school team for now.

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