Yung Joc to Usher Here's a Hairy Situation ... Let's Battle for King of Hair & Fleek Style!!!

Debating the real king of R&B is so 2018 ... with 2019 in full swing, Yung Joc's throwing down the gauntlet and challenging Usher to settle once and for all who's the real king of the hair & fleek style. Allow us to explain.

You'll recall Usher made waves by ringing in the New Year with a brand-new hairdo ... a retro pompadour hairstyle to complement his rat pack-themed outfit. That hairdo's apparently dubbed hair & fleek ... and YJ knows a little about that style too.

The rapper made headlines in 2016 with a similar look he said was inspired by a new acting role. He got bagged on big time, but Yung Joc tells TMZ he didn't give a damn ... 'cause he kept the look for a year!! Usher's new look prompted YJ to repost a side-by-side comparison ... followed by the question -- "WHO IS THE REAL KING OF HAIR & FLEEK?"

Yung Joc tells TMZ ... Usher -- who, BTW, has a vote for the real king of R&B -- needs to keep the look beyond just a transformation for his party if he even wants to be considered for the title. YJ even has a date in mind for when they can settle this debate. And, he wants us to call Usher and make it happen.

Usher, you've been called!

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