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Terrell Owens My Christmas Gift?? This Shredded Bod In Tiny Shorts!!!

Terrell Owens is clearly leavin' all his milk and cookies for Santa Claus ... 'cause dude flaunted his Xmas bod Sunday -- and the ex-NFL superstar is still SHREDDED!!!!!!

T.O.'s 45-years-old now and hasn't played ball in years -- but the guy's obviously been keepin' himself in shape ... check out the pics he posted in front of his Christmas tree!!!

Unclear why Owens felt the need to post the pics ... but the tiny gift-themed shorts and the caption seem to suggest this was T.O.'s present to us all.

"Do Not Open Package Til Christmas," he wrote.

He's totally talking about his penis, right?

Also, the topper on Terrell's Christmas Tree is a picture of himself (seriously) ... because as T.O. once famously said, "I love me some me!"