Tyrese My Ex Refuses to Work ... Says 'Living Life' is Her Job!!!

Tyrese wants to know why his ex-wife won't get a job and he got an answer -- she thinks "living life" qualifies as a real occupation ... according to new docs in their child support battle.

As we've told you, Tyrese is upset about how much dough Norma Gibson's been dropping on babysitters for their 11-year-old daughter. After all, he says their court-ordered child support deal requires Norma to work toward becoming self-sufficient.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, Tyrese says Norma sat for a deposition and his attorney asked her straight-up what she did on August 21 ... a day when she racked up 7 hours of childcare bills. Norma's reply? She was busy "living life."

According to the docs, she further explained, "I am working. I am working on my book. I am working on my life. I am running errands at home."

Tyrese's attorneys say Norma is full of crap -- and truth is she feels ZERO obligation to find a job or contribute financially to raising their kid because Tyrese is rich and will cover everything.

To be clear, Tyrese isn't complaining about paying child support, but he is pissed she wants him to pay her attorney fees ... especially when she has NO job.