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Triple H Gnarly Injury Pic After Tearing Chest Muscle

Triple H went to Saudi Arabia ... and all he got was this lousy pectoral injury!!!


The WWE superstar suffered a pectoral tear during the pay-per-view show in Riyadh last week during a tag team between D-Generation X and The Brothers of Destruction.

Despite the injury, the 49-year-old legend finished the match -- and even put Kane into his trademark Pedigree finishing move.

But, the damage to his chest was pretty bad -- you can see the discoloration in his right pec ... it's bad.

The good news, Triple H scheduled surgery for Tuesday morning and he'll hopefully make a full recovery.

Wrestling -- still think it's fake?

Triple H isn't exactly a full-time wrestler anymore -- but he's been known to getting in the ring and mixing it up every now and then.

Wrestlemania 35 in New Jersey is still 5 months away so there's hope he'll be healthy enough to slap someone around on April 7.