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Girl Scouts Sue Boy Scouts You Can Have Girl Programs But, Lay Off Our Name!!!

The Girl Scouts are firing off a message to the Boy Scouts, and it's ... back off, we're working this corner!!!

Yes, the Girl Scouts of the United States of America is suing the Boy Scouts of America over what was supposed to be new era, more inclusive Boy Scouts programs. If ya missed it ... the BS has a new campaign called "Scout Me In" ... which allows girls to join in on the Scouts fun.

Well, that ain't sitting well with cookie pushers. According to the suit, the Boys are confusing parents of little girls ... because people who want to sign up for Girl Scouts are mistakenly signing up for girls' programs under the Boy Scouts umbrella.

Welcome to 2018.

In the suit, the Girls say the Boys are tarnishing the reputation and goodwill they've built over the years.

Translation: Boys have cooties.

The Girl Scouts are suing to block the Boy Scouts from promoting their girl programs in a confusing way. Plus some money for their troubles ... aka damages.