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Alex Trebek Answer: 2022 Question: How Long I'm Staying on 'Jeopardy!'

Alex Trebek is sticking around on "Jeopardy!" for at least a few more years -- the host just agreed to a contract extension after making a lot of noise about retirement.

Alex's new deal with Sony Pictures TV will keep him dropping clues through the 2021-22 TV season, and you gotta figure they backed up the Brinks truck for him. Remember, he flat out told Harvey Levin earlier this year on "OBJECTified" ... there was a better chance than not he'd step down when his contract ended in 2020.


Alex even talked about possible replacements, certainly making it seem he was dead serious about quitting.

Seems like a brilliant negotiating move -- although we don't know for sure that was his goal -- because Sony locked him down for 2 additional years. AT's been hosting "Jeopardy!" since 1984.

Our advice? Don't blow all of that new salary in Final Jeopardy, Alex!