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'InfoWars' Host Alex Jones Banned by Twitter!!

Alex Jones won't be spewing his conspiracy theories on Twitter, which is now the first social media platform to permanently ban the "InfoWars" host.

Twitter announced Thursday it's suspending two accounts -- @realalexjones and @infowars. The ban also extends to Periscope. A spokesperson said videos and tweets Jones recently posted violated Twitter's abusive behavior policy ... plus, there had been previous violations.

The final straw appears to stem from a tense confrontation Jones had Wednesday on Capitol Hill, where CEO Jack Dorsey and other tech execs were testifying to congress. In addition to his face-off with Sen. Marco Rubio ... Jones got in the face of CNN reporter Oliver Darcy, and likened him to "the Hitler Youth." Jones livestreamed the confrontation on InfoWars.

Wow, this video. Alex JONES calls RUBIO a "frat boy" and touches Rubio on the shoulder. Rubio tells Jones not to touch him and that he won't be arrested because I'll "take care of you myself."

Jones had already been heavily censored on other platforms such as Facebook, Apple, Spotify and YouTube. In case you're unfamiliar, Jones has been pushing outlandish conspiracy theories for years -- most notably, perhaps, that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax staged with actors.

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