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Vikings' Andrew Sendejo Channels Trump ... 'Make Football Violent Again'

Minnesota Vikings safety Andrew Sendejo seems to be on the same page as Donald Trump -- wearing a hat to training camp with the message, "Make Football Violent Again."

Not only is it a take off Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan -- but it's also one of Donald's key gripes against the league.

Remember, just last year POTUS said refs are "ruining the game" by penalizing players for making "beautiful tackles."

But, back to Sendejo -- one of the league's hardest hitters -- who happened to wear the hat on the heels of the Ravens-Bears preseason opener ... where several guys were hit with flags for seemingly innocuous tackles.

If this is a personal foul they need to erase the safety position

Remember ... Sendejo was suspended one game in 2017 for hitting Ravens wideout Mike Wallace in the head with his shoulder while trying to make a hard tackle ... and he wasn't happy about that then.

Now ... the league is promising to crack down even harder on hits to the head -- and Andrew is making his thoughts on that matter loud and clear.

"I’ve been wearing this for a while," Sendejo says of the hat. "But I guess it applies more now."

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