Michelle & Sasha Obama La Première Famille Crash Bey and Jay's Paris Concert

Beyonce and Jay-Z's close relationship with the Obamas is still going strong, now in full flex across the pond ... with Michelle and Sasha crashing the couple's concert in France.

The former First Lady and kid were spotted in the stands Sunday at the Stade de France stadium, where Bey and Jay are performing as part of their "On the Run II" tour.

And can we just reflect on how beautiful Sasha Obama is? Hair is laid, sis. #OTRII pic.twitter.com/KMv335YEE7

Michelle even went beyond the front row barricades, standing alongside Beyonce's mom, Tina Knowles ... and getting her groove on as Jay rapped onstage. As mothers to very important people ... they looked like quite the duo shoulder-to-shoulder.

No sign of Barack or Malia here, but the Obama family was definitely well represented. It's no surprise they're there either -- Michelle and her 2 daughters did the same back in 2014, when B&J were performing in Chicago.

Seems like they like to catch 'em when they can. Who wouldn't?