Josh Brolin Gets Corny with Laird Hamilton ... And Laird Surfs, of Course

As if you haven't seen Josh Brolin enough on the big screen this summer, here he is again for the 4th of July ... getting his cornhole on with pro surfing legend Laird Hamilton.

The actor -- who's been in 3 blockbusters so far this year -- was out at a beach in Malibu Wednesday celebrating Independence Day with a good old-fashioned game of throw-this-sack-in-that-hole. Based on how damn happy he looks, we're guessing he scored well.


Laird was spotted on the beach alongside Thanos/Cable/Matt Graver too ... but he eventually made his way into the water and did what he, quite literally, does best -- surfed his heart out. This time, on an electric surfboard!

'Merica. Yup, we got it like that.

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