Meek Mill It's Clear, Overturn His Conviction ... Says Philly Legal Expert

Meek Mill and his legal team just got a boost from someone who might know more than anyone else about Philly police corruption and people who've been wrongly convicted.

Bradley Bridge is an attorney for the Defender Association of Philadelphia, and says he's worked on more than 2,000 cases of post-conviction relief ... most involving allegedly corrupt police officers. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Bradley says he's never seen any judge do what Judge Genece Brinkley is doing to Meek.

He says, "I have never had a judge order an evidentiary hearing where the prosecution has conceded the legitimacy of [post-conviction] relief." As we've reported ... Brinkley scheduled just such a hearing for Meek next month when the state Supreme Court ordered his release on bail.

And yes ... prosecutors in Meek's case have already said they think he should be released and his conviction overturned.

Bradley's point is there's way more than enough legal precedent for Brinkley to toss Meek's conviction.

Meek's attorneys filed Bradley's affidavit, as well as several statements from Philly cops ... one of whom claims the allegedly corrupt officer, Reginald Graham, bragged during the bust about ripping braids from Meek's head.

The cops say they're willing to take the stand to testify during Meek's upcoming hearing.

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