Billy Bush H.W.'s Going for the Smucker's 100 Club ... Put Away the Harps!

Billy Bush says George H.W. Bush probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon -- 'cause he's been to the hospital bed and back before ... plus, he's got jelly jars to mug for.

We got Billy hanging with his kids Sunday at Pacific Park in Santa Monica, where we asked how his uncle was doing after being hospitalized just a day after Barbara Bush's funeral.

He says the POTUS 41 is "solid" -- noting he was hospitalized 5 years ago, and came back from that just fine. Billy also makes a prediction about H.W.'s short-term and long-term life goals -- namely, a potential plan to be the (literal) face of Smucker's. Give it 7 years.

Speaking of his late aunt ... Billy's got a hilarious story about Barbara, too. Just listen.

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