Ex-NFL Kicker Jay Feely Gun in Daughter's Prom Pic Was a Damn Joke!

Former NFL kicker Jay Feely is clearing up the controversy around a photo he posted with a gun at his daughter's prom date's side ... saying it was all a joke.

Feely tweeted a clarification Sunday about a pic he posted Saturday as he sent his daughter to her prom with a guy ... with Jay in between them and a pistol in his hand.

The prom picture I posted was obviously intended to be a joke. My Daughter has dated her boyfriend for over a year and they knew I was joking.
I take gun safety seriously (the gun was not loaded and had no clip in) and I did not intend to be insensitive to that important issue

He says the pics was clearly meant as a joke, and that his kid had been dating the dude for at least a year. Feely also pointed out that the gun wasn't loaded and didn't have a clip inside, adding he didn't mean to be insensitive about the subject, which is a hot topic these days.

In his original post, Feely referenced a scene from "Bad Boys 2," in which Martin Lawrence's character intimidates a guy who comes over to take his daughter out on a date. Will Smith gets in on the interrogation, too, for a hilarious moment ... but a lot of folks didn't find Feely's take quite as funny. He was getting dragged on social media left and right.

Who knew joking around with guns would be such a lightning rod issue?