NFL Wife Begs Court to Punish Husband ... In Dom. Violence Case

The wife of former NFL lineman Roy Miller says she thought she was "going to die" in front of her children when her husband attacked her in 2017 ... and she's begging the court to throw the book at him.

As we previously reported, Miller -- who's played for the Bucs, Jags and Chiefs -- was arrested in Nov. 2017 for allegedly attacking his wife at their home in Florida.

Miller struck a deal with prosecutors in which he plead not guilty to misdemeanor battery but agreed to accept a pre-trial diversion program ... which consists of community service, anger management and fines.

But Miller's wife is calling for the court to call off that deal because she feels the punishment doesn't fit the crime -- it's too easy for him.

Instead, she filed new docs with the court describing the assault in graphic detail -- "My husband tackled me as if I was a 320 pound man on the football field. I weigh 135 lbs, the weight of him crushing me and the impact of the blows to the back of my neck and him yanking my head side to side by my braids, was very painful and shocking all at once."

"I thought I was going to die and worst of all in front of my children."

Miller's wife wants the judge to throw out the plea deal and allow her to tell her story in court in hopes of getting a stronger sentence.

The judge will rule on her motion in the near future.

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