Meek Mill Speaks from Prison ... I Was Doomed by 10 Yrs. Probation!!!

Meek Mill is speaking from the prison where he's serving his controversial sentence -- and insists the judicial system set him up to fail ... from jump street.

Meek talked by phone to Lester Holt of NBC Nightly News about the 2-4 years Judge Genece Brinkley gave him, and he says the real problem started way back in 2008 when he was convicted on gun and drug charges.

TONIGHT on @NBCNightlyNews: "It was always a thought in the back of my mind that ten years of probation would bring me back to prison."
Rapper Meek Mill speaks out to @LesterHoltNBC after being imprisoned for violating probation — garnering calls for criminal justice reform.

Meek feels the 10 years probation he got way back then made it nearly impossible for him to avoid getting tossed in prison. As he puts it, a simple jaywalking ticket would've been enough for Brinkley to lock him up ... under the law.

The Philly rapper's case is drawing national attention now -- and he's getting tons of high-profile support -- as critics question Judge Brinkley's sentence. Despite the pressure, she's refused to recuse herself or grant Meek a bail hearing.