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Gucci Mane Cuts Three Year Line ... To Buy Brand New $600k Ferrari

Gucci Mane ain't close to your regular luxury sports car shopper, not even for one of the newest Ferrari models out -- he jumps right to the front of a long line just like ... this.

Sources tell us Gucci recently purchased a brand new 2018 Ferrari 812 Superfast -- which debuted last year ... and has a strict 3-year wait list for average Joe rich folks. Gucci isn't your run-of-the-mill baller though -- he got his delivered within 24 hours of ordering it.

The proud new owner posted a photo of himself with his Ferrari, which got dropped off Sunday morning.

We're told Gucci dropped a whopping $600,000 for the whip, courtesy of Obi Okeke, AKA Doctor Bugatti. Okeke dabbles in high-end rides like this -- just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Floyd Mayweather ... they know what we're talking about.

Gucci's Ferrari is definitely built for speed -- 800 HP, V-12 engine, goes from 0 to 60 mph in about 3 seconds ... and tops out at about 211 mph. That's what we call getting the bag!