10:40 AM PT -- Gonzo S**tc**k tells us he's no longer affiliated with the Gonzo Podcast Network, even though it still bears his name. He also says he has nothing to do with the lawsuit, it's all on Henson ... who Gonzo says produces and finances the whole 'Network.'

Some of the 'Howard Stern Show's' hugely popular cast of characters are in a podcast war that's now turned into a lawsuit ... and Wack Packer High Pitch Erik's caught in the middle.
Jeff Henson produces content for the Gonzo Podcast Network -- home to Gonzo S**tc**k from the 'Stern Show.' Henson claims Jimmer Nam -- a Stern superfan -- and others are trying like hell to crush the Gonzo Network -- and says a prime example of the plotting is what happened to Gonzo's buddy, High Pitch.
In the suit, he says attorney Vincent Imbesi convinced Erik to allow his apartment to be wired with cameras and mics, so he could do daily broadcasts ... presumably on the Jimmer Nation Podcast network, and not the Gonzo Net.
Henson says they went even further by harassing and making fun of Erik. He claims they sent food deliveries to his home, and "swatted" him -- calling in false reports to cops and firefighters -- so often, it got Erik evicted from his apartment.
According to the docs, Nam also got personal on one of his podcasts by calling Henson a "lifelong criminal" who took advantage of an elderly couple. Henson denies that and says Nam's defamed him.
Henson's hitting Jimmer, Imbesi and others with the Heinnnnn!!! Meaning, he's suing 'em for at least $5 million.