If Aubrey O'Day is looking for a new career move, she should seriously consider doing porn.
Pornhub, one of the biggest porn sites out there, tells us searches for O'Day's name on their site rose a whopping 10,405% after news broke of her alleged affair with the President's spawn, Donald Trump Jr.
Site reps say it's not unusual for someone's search popularity to spike after a new relationship or love interest is revealed, but by comparison, searches for Meghan Markle's name on Pornhub only shot up by about 2,200% when news of her dating Prince Harry broke.
Let it be clear ... O'Day has never done porn, nor does she have porn videos on the site (that we know of) and neither does Markle, for that matter.
Pornhub says O'Day's name had been searched on their site before, but in recent days, both her and Stormy Daniels' popularity has shot up, and continues to rise. Seems to be a theme here.