Tomi Lahren My Dog Nearly Ruined My TV Appearance So, I Kicked It!!!

Tomi Lahren says she kicked her dog multiple times because it was making too much noise during her appearance on national TV.

Tomi's made her career on saying shocking things, but this might be her coup de grace. The "FOX & Friends" contributor posted video Wednesday morning of the dog, Kota, playfully wagging its tail while she berated the pup for chewing a bone loudly.

Bad timing, for Tomi apparently ... because she says she had to "kick her about 5 times during the show." Can't tell if she's serious, but if she is ... it's definitely her most heinous act yet.

We're hoping Kota's wagging tail is a sign she wasn't actually abused. We're reaching out to Tomi for comment.

If she was kicking her pet, Tomi covered it up pretty well during her FOX hit.

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