Motown Legend There's NO Mountain Behind the Classic 'Ain't No Mountain'

The mountain Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell, and later Diana Ross, sang about in "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" was NOT inspired by a mountain at all ... according to the legend who wrote it.

Valerie Simpson co-penned the 1967 hit song for Motown offshoot Tamla Records. Marvin and Tammi went Top 20 with it, and Diana Ross made it to #1 in 1970. So, when we got Valerie in NYC ... we had to know what she had in mind when she came up with the classic lyrics.

Prepare to have your mind blown ... 'cause Valerie says it's got nothing to do with the Rockies, the Alps or Mt. Everest. No wind, no rain or winter's cold can stop us ... from listening to the song.

But damn, we really wanted a mountain.