Hank Azaria Sues Co-Op Board You're Shakin' Me Down!!!

Hank Azaria's trust is suing the board of a luxury co-op where he lives, claiming they've been totally unreasonable in blocking his attempt to renovate his unit.

The voice of multiple 'Simpsons' characters claims in a new lawsuit he set out to fix up his unit in the fancy building on Central Park West. He says a neighbor claimed his renovations caused water damage. Hank says he was convinced he wasn't the culprit but paid to replace the guy's floors anyway.

Azaria says a few months later the same neighbor made a new round of complaints about cracks in the walls and ceilings. Hank was super suspicious because no other neighbor lodged any complaints.

He says the co-op board then imposed a $20,000 electrical fee, which had never been previously discussed, and made a finding that Hank caused the neighbor's damages.

Short story ... Hank says he's the victim of a shakedown.