O.J. Simpson Back Rooting for the Bills ... And Guess Where?

1:28 PM PT -- The Bills lost and are out of the playoffs. Looks like O.J. isn't that much of a good luck charm after all ... whodathunkit?

O.J. Simpson was seen rockin' a Buffalo Bills jersey as his ex-NFL team took on the Jaguars in the playoffs this weekend ... but the Juice isn't loose in Florida.

THE JUICE IS LOOSE #Billsmafia pic.twitter.com/mr5cK0Ht82

A bunch of pics featuring O.J. in the ol' blue and white were posted Sunday, showing the former running back hanging with some fellow fans as the Bills/Jaguars game started.

At first, a lot of people speculated Simpson had left Nevada and was on the ground in Jacksonville, FL -- where the game is being played ... which mighta been a problem considering he's out on parole, and presumably can't leave the state on whim's notice.

A truly historic moment at Naked City/Moondoggies as OJ Simpson has arrived for the Bills game! pic.twitter.com/DcfjCrEaod

However, upon closer inspection ... we've found that Simpson has not left Nevada. In fact, it appears he's still in Vegas ... having mugged at a local bar called Moon Doggies. There's even a sign in the back that says "Go Rebels" ... which is UNLV's football team name.

Coast is clear, Jacksonville ... back to the second quarter action.

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