2 Live Crew Fresh Kid Ice Died of Cirrhosis of the Liver

Fresh Kid Ice -- founding member of 2 Live Crew -- died of, among other things, cirrhosis of the liver ... TMZ has learned.

The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner tells TMZ ... contributing factors to Fresh Kid's death also included Hepatitis C and a history of alcohol. We're told Kid suffered from acute respiratory failure and went into shock before his death.

The Medical Examiner's office said it signed off on a request for Fresh Kid's -- real name Chris Wong Won -- body to be cremated and sent to a funeral home, though it's unclear if the body's already been cremated.

TMZ broke the story ... Fresh Kid died at a Miami hospital back in July. He was a pioneer for Asian rappers and formed the legendary hip-hop crew with DJ Mr. Mixx and Amazing Vee in 1984 before hooking up with Luther Campbell.

Fresh Kid was 53.