Morgan Spurlock Admits Past Sexual Misconduct 'I Am Part of the Problem'

Morgan Spurlock is coming clean about his history ... regarding sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and even an accusation of rape.

The famed documentary filmmaker posted a shocking list of confessions Wednesday, including a detailed description of a sexual encounter with a woman he had in college that led to him being accused of rape.

Spurlock also admits to paying off a former female assistant who he often called "hot pants" or "sex pants" about 8 years ago to settle a sexual harassment claim and keep it quiet.

The "Super Size Me" star says he's not been an innocent bystander amid the wave of sexual misconduct allegations in Hollywood and beyond, and has wondered ... "When will they come for me?"

He adds ... "If I'm going to truly represent myself as someone who has built a career on finding the truth, then it's time for me to be truthful as well."

Spurlock drops another bombshell too -- he says he was sexually abused as a boy -- before vowing to be part of the solution from now on.

Check out his full statement above.