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MLB's Joe Morgan Goes Full Tupac On Steroid Users Keep 'Em Outta Hall of Fame

MLB Hall of Famer Joe Morgan hates steroid users ... 'cause he just destroyed them all in a SCATHING letter to Hall of Fame voters BEGGING them to keep all the alleged dopers out.

Morgan was elected to the Hall in 1990, and it's clear he doesn't want to share it with any science projects, writing an open letter on behalf of all clean members of the hall.

It's long, but here are some of the most Tupac Hit-Em-Up style gems.

"We hope the day never comes when known steroid users are voted in to the Hall of Fame. They cheated. Steroid users don't belong there."

"The cheating that tainted an era now risks tainting the Hall of Fame too."

Pretty gangsta, we know, but nothing compared to the most potent bar from the salvo ... we like to call it "The Ultimatum."

"It's gotten to the point where Hall of Famers are saying if steroid users get in, they'll no longer come to Cooperstown for induction ceremonies or other events."

BTW the finalists for this year's class were just announced, and a couple of the guys are definitely dudes Morgan is talking about. We'll have to see if they respond with some Ether of their own.