Usher Herpes Lawsuit Accuser Claims He Is Hiding His Assets For Judgement Day

The women who is suing Usher for allegedly giving her genital herpes believes the singer is fraudulently transferring all of his assets ... so they can not be seized to satisfy the 20 million dollar judgement she has requested.

The woman -- only identified as Jane Doe -- says she has reason to believe Usher is transferring his wealth to others so it can not be touched in the event he loses the case. She says on the other hand she really doesn't know he is doing that ... but that she fears he might.

In legal docs the woman's lawyer Lisa West claims Usher may be up to no good because he delayed the discovery process in the lawsuit by 90 days. The insinuation ... Usher didn't want to disclose his assets during the discovery phase in order to have the time to hide them.

Sources connected with Usher are calling BS, saying the claim that Usher is hiding assets "nonsense." The sources add the 90-day stay for discovery is automatic when the defendant files a motion to dismiss the case, which Usher did.