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WWE's Paige Off the Hook In Dom. Violence Case

WWE superstar Paige will NOT be hit with domestic violence charges stemming from an airport altercation with Alberto Del Rio ... officials tell TMZ Sports.

As we previously reported, Alberto was initially investigated after Paige screamed at him in the middle of Orlando International Airport last month.

Paige later admitted she was the aggressor and had thrown a drink at Alberto during the altercation. The Orlando PD later recommended Paige be criminally charged for the incident.


But now, a rep for the 9th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office tells TMZ Sports the case is officially closed -- because the victim (Alberto) did not want to move forward with charges.

Alberto will not be charged with a crime either.

Paige and Alberto appear to still be dating -- Paige chalked the whole thing up to being in an emotional state because she had just learned her uncle had become very sick.