Michael Lohan's Wife Threatened to Kill Cops ... Before Psych Hold

Michael Lohan's estranged wife threatened to kill cops when she called 911 this weekend ... and later claimed domestic violence against Michael before being placed on a psychiatric hold.

Kate Major told a dispatcher last Friday in Boca Raton, Florida that she would "kill us all" if Boca PD did not find her kids after Michael left their house with them ... this after he claims he came home to find her drunk and belligerent.

According to a police report, obtained by TMZ, Kate was "hysterically crying and appeared to be intoxicated" when an officer arrived following her death threat on the phone. She told the cop Michael had accused her of cheating when he got home that night, and then pulled her hair and grabbed her throat before taking off with their 2 boys.

The cop, however, says he didn't see any signs of injuries, and noted she wasn't able to show him a video she claims she had that allegedly captured the whole incident. Michael did have video of what went down, and cops determined Kate needed to be placed on a psych hold.

Kate made "a number of racial comments about Officer Graham's race [the responding officer]" ... this according to the police report, which also said when she was in the patrol car she "kicked the slider and door repeatedly" and was spitting on the slider.

The responding officer said that "without proper care or treatment Kate was a potential danger to others."

We broke the story ... Kate was taken into custody under the Baker Act and was transported to a hospital.