Scott Disick Drowning in Alcohol Needs Rehab, Friends Say

Scott Disick's hitting the bottle HARD again and his friends think he's so far gone the only solution is rehab.

Our Scott sources tell us he's been in a downward spiral since learning baby mama Kourtney Kardashian is banging 23-year-old model Younes Bendjima.

Scott's been trying for a long time to resurrect his relationship with Kourtney. As we reported, he feels betrayed because he says she's been dangling a carrot that she'd get back with him if he stopped drinking -- which he did. When he found out about the model, he lost it. Scott hit up TAO on Cinco de Mayo and he was at The Peppermint Club Monday night.

On the surface it seems Scott's just fine ... because he's been hooking up with 19-year-old Ella Ross, but his friends say it's just a get-back relationship ... getting back at Kourtney.

We're told his house has been a non-stop, alcohol-fueled party for weeks ... a party he sometime takes to the clubs.

We broke the story, Scott is starring in a home-flipping pilot executive produced by Kris Jenner. As for how his drinking mixes with shooting a show, his friends say he's been doing that for years.