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Report: Aaron Hernandez Had Bible Verse Written On Forehead

Aaron Hernandez was found in his cell with a Bible verse written on his forehead in blood red ink ... this according to local reports.

When officials at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Massachusetts responded to Aaron's cell Wednesday morning, the verse John 3:16 was scribbled above his eyes, this according to WBZ Boston. The passage, of course, is key to Christianity: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Hernandez had written the verse on his forehead using a blood red marker, says FOX 25. His Bible in his cell was open to that verse.

Hernandez had a reputation for being a religious person during his college football career at Florida and would read the Bible with head coach Urban Meyer every morning at 7:30 AM.

There's more ... WBZ also cites sources who say there's evidence Hernandez smoked synthetic marijuana shortly before his death.

We reached out to the prison -- so far, no word back.

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