Five Finger Death Punch This Label's a Sinking Ship ... Let Us Off Now!!

The guys in Five Finger Death Punch claim they're being held hostage by their "sinking ship" of a record label ... and they need a judge to rescue the band before it gets dragged under.

The heavy metal rockers destroy the label, Prospect Park, in a new lawsuit ... saying 5FDP is probably the only profitable band on the roster. The band accused Prospect Park of cooking up a bogus lawsuit last year to keep the band recording ... while it shopped the label.

The band says PP is drowning in debt and is more like "Prospect Dark" these days. Gotta love the delicious wordplay, right?

Remember, the label sued the guys last year, demanding they get back in the studio, pronto ... to finish an unreleased album.

5FDP wants a judge to sign their walking papers, and to make the label fork over a mil in damages.

Prospect Park tells us the real issue is the band still hasn't delivered the album "required under the recording contract and expected by their fans."