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Casey Anthony I'm Open to Having Another Child

Casey Anthony thinks it would be a blessing if she had another child.

Casey insists she still has no idea what happened to Caylee 9 years ago, and swears it would've come to her during years of mental evaluations -- "I've been tested, I've gone through the psychological evaluations, I've talked about this to the point where I've been in a puddle not being able to talk about it for days afterwards."

AP didn't directly ask her about having a new baby, but she offered this up ... "If I am blessed enough to have another child — if I'd be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world knowing that there'd be a potential that some jackass, their little snot-nose kid would then say something mean to my kid — I don't think I could live with that."

Bullying. That's Casey Anthony's big parenting concern.

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